The People's Platform
“Fight for the things you care about but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.”
I want to create trust in the legislative process in two ways: Through empowering people to effectively advocate for the policies they need, and by lifting the veil around how the General Assembly works. Years ago, we created our ‘You Write The Bill’ workshops to walk constituents through the bill-writing and lobbying process, so everyone could write and introduce real legislation. Now we are creating the People's Platform as our campaign is entirely powered by individual donors like you.

In my eleven years in the General Assembly, I have worked to lower health care costs, pushed for intersectional justice through a Green New Deal, advanced the socio-emotional health of our children, fought to raise teacher pay to the national average, and advocated for good government in limiting the influence of special interests in our government. Now let's hear from you!
EducationWhen teachers do well, students do well. When students do well, our commonwealth has a bright future. As Chairman of the House Education Committee and a product of the Roanoke Valley’s public schools, Sam understands investing in public education isn’t a choice. It’s a necessity. As Chairman and Delegate Sam has: Passed legislation increasing teacher pay to surpass the national average. (Virginia currently ranks 24th) Advocated for teachers to have the right to collectively bargain Supported capital investments to make our schools safe and equipped for 21st-century learning Passed legislation to move away from high stakes testing and toward holistic child development that focuses on social-emotional learning In addition to focusing on a child's cognitive development, we need to ensure we take a holistic approach to childhood growth. Studies show social-emotional learning is critical for building our children’s soft skills, and for developing their mental resilience. With a holistic approach, we can help our children to not merely survive, but to thrive. Sam’s bill, HB 753, passed in the General Assembly to require the Virginia Department of Education to develop effective implementation of social and emotional learning in public schools to replace and reduce current high-stakes standardized testing. Inspired by Roanoke’s own LIFT Center, Sam passed HB 625 in 2024, to establish the Office of Community Schools under the Virginia Department of Education. This newly formed office will be tasked with creating a plan to implement the Community School System across the Commonwealth, bringing wrap-around services to families right in their own neighborhoods. Since becoming Delegate, Sam took on the challenge of substituting in Roanoke City public schools, stepping into classrooms across the community to learn firsthand about the needs and challenges in our schools. Drawing from this experience, Sam has focused on practical solutions to improve education for every student. Read more about his experience here.
High-Quality, Affordable Health CareSimply put, every Virginian should have access to high-quality, affordable health care. Hard-working Virginians should have the freedom and security to both pay their bills and take their child to the doctor. After over a decade of experience working in health care, and having formerly served as Vice Chair of the Health, Welfare and Institutions Committee in the House of Delegates, Sam is ready to continue fighting for affordable, accessible health care as our Delegate. Health care is more than just the right to be insured. It’s about having equal access to quality providers, and ensuring that all workers have paid family and medical leave so they can afford to access care when they are sick without financial concern. It’s about lowering the outrageous costs of prescription drugs, integrating mental health into health care, and making addiction treatment affordable for all so people can get back on their feet. Our commonwealth can lead the way nationwide in making health care a basic right.
Virginia Marshall Plan for MomsAfter the onset of COVID-19 and the closing of many of our schools and child care centers, millions of moms were forced to leave the workforce and assume the primary role as caregivers for both their parents and children. In December 2020, the U.S. economy lost a net of 140,000 jobs. All of them were held by women. This crisis has given us the opportunity and obligation to address this growing inequity. When we consider policies to rebuild our Commonwealth, we must take into account the impact COVID-19 had on moms, especially moms of color, from the wages lost to the career advancement forgone to the barriers to reentering the workforce after women have been forced to leave it. It’s time for a Virginia Marshall Plan for Moms that includes child care for all, paid family and medical leave for every worker and a care-giver tax credit.
Voting Is A RightDel. Sam Rasoul has fought tirelessly against Republican attempts to make it more difficult for Virginians to vote, particularly for black and brown Virginians. He will work to expand and protect voting rights in the Commonwealth. We were able to go from 49th in the country, to now being one of the top states with ease of access. In 2017 Sam pledged to only accept grassroots donations and since then has refused all PAC and special-interest donations. Sam will continue to build on his record on campaign finance reform and work to increase engagement and participation in the democratic process.
People-First PoliticsDel. Sam Rasoul has crafted a strategic plan for how we approach politics. This fundamentally different model leans on the wisdom of our cumulative experience. It’s an assemblage of lessons learned, proven neuroscience, and a bold vision for Virginia’s future. Sam’s plan includes: Steps for strengthening our grassroots coalitions Aggressive incumbent protection measures Ensuring a statewide party presence Programs to build trust and goodwill with voters Strategies for building a deeper bench for future success This model centers on operationalizing our party values of uplifting diverse voices across the Commonwealth. It requires hustle, grit, and robust planning; but it’s attainable. Sam’s initiatives like Democratic Promise and the Impact Center are proven, effective ways to earn trust among voters while streamlining our operations so we can laser focus on winning long term. This unifying method will help Democrats guide the Commonwealth into a new era of inclusive politics for all Virginians.
The Press Is Essential For DemocracyDel. Sam Rasoul has watched escalating layoffs in newspapers and other news outlets across the state with rising concern. He knows that the press is integral to the survival of democracy through its role as watchdog of the government. This crisis is not a partisan issue: Local news coverage has declined by 60 percent since 2000, and today, some 1,800 communities have no local news outlet. Over the last few years, another 36,000 newspaper employees have been laid off. Sam will work to give local and regional media the support it needs to keep providing reliable information to their communities. He knows that the relationship between the press and the community is vital to a transparent and informed democratic process.
A Green New Deal for Virginia Centered on Economic, Social, & Environmental JusticeSam created the Virginia Green New Deal Act to lay the groundwork for intersectional policies that will lower energy bills, create 200,000 jobs and improve the quality of life for every community in Virginia. A Green New Deal is not just about climate justice -- it’s also about the intersection of economic justice, racial justice, health care justice and worker justice. As a legislator, Sam has fought to: Enact a Green New Deal that gets Virginia to 100% clean energy by 2036 Establish a moratorium on new fossil fuel projects. The future of Virginia’s economy is clean energy, not more pipelines. Create a just transition for fossil fuel workers into high-paying clean energy jobs Declare a climate crisis in Virginia Make sure fossil fuel companies and polluters, not regular Virginians, pay for the damage they’ve caused, especially in communities of color Ban donations from state-regulated utilities like Dominion
Uplifting Working Families & Main Street BusinessesIn recent years, Virginia ranked as the number one state for businesses, but the worst for workers. As a small business owner, Sam knows it’s crucial that we keep workers and small, Main Street businesses at the heart of our recovery. As a Delegate, Sam supported: Increasing Virginia’s minimum wage to $15 per hour and indexing it to future inflation Repealing the Right to Work laws, which prevent workers from collectively bargaining for pay and benefits, and making it easier to form a union. Collective bargaining for public sector unions Paid family and medical leave for every worker Expanded sick leave and introduced Virginia’s first-ever bereavement leave legislation Tax rebates for small businesses up to $25,000 Sam will stand up to large corporations who put their bottom line before the health and safety of their workers. He’ll fight for the small businesses that make our communities prosper.
Equal Rights & Criminal Justice ReformOur criminal justice system has disproportionately affected people of color and low-income residents. In the wake of police-involved shootings, it’s more urgent than ever to change our court and law enforcement agencies to ensure Virginians receive equitable and just treatment. As a legislator, Sam has supported: Breonna’s Law, which eliminated no-knock warrants Going farther than restoring felon voting rights upon release and ensuring that the ability to vote is never taken away Requiring the release of body camera footage within 15 days in instances of police shootings Abolishing the death penalty Ending qualified immunity Legalizing marijuana use and investing tax revenue generated by cannabis sales back into communities most impacted by the failed War on Drugs
Making Virginia’s Homes AffordableDel. Sam Rasoul believes that in a nation as wealthy as ours, housing should be treated as a human right. It’s clear that the cost of living has risen in recent years, and this includes rent and home costs. Virginia is in an affordable housing crisis and it is critical that we make investments in safe, attainable housing for Virginians of all incomes. As a Delegate, Sam has supported: Increased investment in the Virginia Housing Trust Fund Helping Virginians with back payments to cover their rent and mortgages Strengthening tenant protections and laws Developing a ‘Virginia Residential Development Infrastructure Fund’ Too many people fall through the cracks in our current housing system. Sam will expand access to housing vouchers and take a new approach to the predatory zoning laws that got us here.
Common Sense Gun SafetyDel. Rasoul has been a member of the Public Safety House Committee since his first term in the House of Delegates. Sam has consistently supported policies to curb gun violence in Virginia through common-sense gun safety legislation—including mandatory background checks, a ban on weapons of war and high capacity magazines, and red flag laws. In 2024, Sam passed the Community Builders Pilot Program, a first-of-its-kind violence prevention summer program that targets At-Risk rising 8th graders. This Pilot is in partnership with Roanoke City Schools and has been quite successful in its inaugural year. Sam looks forward to continuing this program and expanding it Commonwealth wide
Fighting for Women, LGBTQ, Minority, & Religious RightsAll Virginians should have the right to know they won’t be discriminated against based on who they love or how they worship. We have made great strides in Virginia in recent years, but the fight for true equality is far from over. We must continue to make progress toward equal rights for all Virginians. Sam will continue to advocate to preserve and expand protections and end harmful practices that disproportionately affect LGBTQ & minority communities. As a legislator, Sam: Supported the Equal Rights Amendment Fought for a woman’s right to choose Supported closing the gender pay gap Introduced legislation that protects domestic violence survivors from housing discrimination Supported removing the constitutional amendment that banned same-sex marriage Supported the constitutional amendment that ensured a woman’s right to choose Too many people still face discrimination and barriers in the workplace, and we must take every opportunity to stand up and fight for equality. There is much more work needed to do to ensure women and minorities are on equal footing in the Commonwealth.
Helping Virginians with DisabilitiesA society can only live up to its potential when there is equity among its citizens. Sam has seen time and time again that we leave people behind. It’s especially difficult for young people with disabilities when they age out of assistance programs only provided to minors. There are still too many barriers to education, work, and health care access for people with disabilities. Sam consistently fought for the expansion of disability waivers, one of the easiest ways to provide folks with assistance finding a job, independent living, and reliable transportation. He voted to increase the minimum wage of workers with certain disabilities. Sam has also pushed for affordable, safe housing opportunities that fit the unique needs of people with disabilities.