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Prince William County School Board Chair Babur Lateef Endorses Del. Sam Rasoul for Lt. Governor

ROANOKE - On Monday, Del. Sam Rasoul announced that he has received the endorsement of Babur Lateef, Chairman At-Large of the Prince William County School Board.

"Sam is committed to make Virginia work for all of us. I supported Sam when he first ran for Congress in 2008 and I continue to support him today," said Lateef. "I have been proud of his work as a member of the House of Delegates for many years. He has worked across party lines for the benefit of his constituents over and over again. I know he will do the same as our next Lieutenant Governor."

"There is nothing more important to the long-term prosperity of our Commonwealth than equity in education, and public officials like Babur are moving us forward each day," said Rasoul. "Every family in Prince Willliam County, regardless of their ethnic background, their income level, or their ZIP code, can know they have a leader in Babur who will always put their kids first."

Rasoul has released a comprehensive plan to invest in public education and integrate social-emotional learning in Virginia classrooms. As a Delegate and as a member of the House Education Committee, he has passed legislation to develop social-emotional learning guidance standards.


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