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Sam Rasoul Endorsed By Former U.S. Congressman Rick Boucher

ROANOKE - On Thursday, Del. Sam Rasoul (D-11) announced that he received the endorsement of former United States Congressman Rick Boucher (VA-9) in his bid for Virginia Lieutenant Governor.

Congressman Boucher was elected to fourteen terms by the people of Virginia’s Ninth Congressional District, serving from 1983 to 2011, and today continues to advocate for the needs of rural Virginia, especially on the issue of expanding broadband access.

“I am enthusiastically endorsing Sam Rasoul as our next Lieutenant Governor and here is why: Sam puts people before politics and knows that his primary role as a public servant is to make sure that people are not marginalized, excluded, or overlooked,” said Boucher. “Sam knows that to serve Virginia well means that you must serve all Virginians, not just the rich and powerful. By building relationships and coalitions that bring diverse people together, Sam will ensure that our children experience leadership that is grounded in critical thinking, compassion, and determination. It was my privilege to serve Southwest Virginians for 28 years. I trust Sam Rasoul to be the kind of leader we deserve, and to make government the agent for change that will improve the lives of working people here and all across Virginia. I hope you will join me in supporting Sam Rasoul for Lieutenant Governor on June 8th, and again in November.”

“Congressman Boucher is synonymous with the compassion, hospitality and grit of Southwest Virginians, and it is an honor to receive his support,” said Rasoul. "We know all too well that the challenges Southwest Virginians are facing have not received the attention they deserve. As Lieutenant Governor, lifting up working families in rural Virginia and across the Commonwealth will be a front-and-center priority of mine.”


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